For those of you who didn't know, the cloth is a thick liquid, quite sweet, with a caramelized and very dark texture that is made from the reduction of grape must. For a long time it was the snack of children and adults, rubbed on bread or spooned. It was a sweet source of energy when sugar was a good that not everyone could reach. Our elders still tell us about the cloth sellers who went around towns and cities offering this liquid black gold in jugs. These coquettes in clothes (coqueta is a diminutive of coca) they are traditional especially at Christmas. And there are different versions depending on the region. In Horta Sud they are seasoned with anise brandy and are dense coquettes, very black and juicy. Those who taste them for the first time are very surprised, but then they become die-hard fans. Find out more about these coquettes and the famous dress in our web article on <>. XAVIER BENAVENT
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From short, up to events, going through digital marketing campaigns, Paty is dedicated to creating stories that move and connect with people.