THE SHIPS. John Verdeguer, 16
There are still those who doubt the existence of climate change, the direct responsibility that man's actions have on him and the tragic consequences that he is having and may have on a global level. From the former Spanish president Mariano Rajoy, relying on his cousin's opinion, to the ineffable president of the United States Donald Trump, who has gone so far as to say that “climate change is a Chinese invention”. But sea level rise, alteration of precipitation patterns, the retreat of sea ice in the Arctic, ocean acidification, the desertification of countries like Spain, Cape Town on the verge of running out of water to supply its population, The loss of three quarters of the floating ice sheet or the plastic slick in the Pacific that already triples the surface area of Spain are all effects of this climate drift caused by man.. Climate change is real and human activities are its main causes, according to the World Meteorological Organization (OMM) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), and from this premise, Thirteen artists of international prestige will capture in Las Naves their vision of the challenge that climate change represents for the planet and the humanity that inhabits it.. Photography for awareness. AU