Lucian Freud and Francis Bacon met in the mid-1940s.. yours, as is well known, It was a friendship based on respect and admiration. It is also no secret that the work of both is impregnated with zvanity spirit resulting from a second world war that has left millions of dead behind. Taking into account the formal aspects, the work of both is, however, very different: there is nothing that apparently links them. The same can be said about his graphic work., which is now on display in the exhibition Of the depths: Freud's, usually in reduced formats, It is usually the result of sober etching (that is to say, from the usual engraving of painters: from Rembrandt to Goya; from Goya to Ricardo Baroja); Bacon's, of much larger formats, uses different techniques, like lithography offset. The curator of this exhibition, Belen Herrera (director of the Marlborough gallery in Madrid, where a good number of prints come from), has put them into dialogue. Maybe they will hear something, or maybe not. A scream of terror, or the most disturbing silence. Godot continues to wait. R.M.