
We are today in a neighborhood that overlooks the bed of the Túria River., unknown to many even though it is just a bridge from the city center. The road that linked València with Sagunto started from this neighborhood., city ​​that until the 19th century was called Murviedro, Morvedre in Valencian. We talk about the neighborhood where Conchita Piquer was born, a place where working class families lived that still preserves beautiful low houses from the beginning of the last century. Today your neighborhood is in a moment of reflection, looking for alternatives for so many commercial ground floors converted into tourist apartments, trying to combine the noise of suitcases with the bustle of shops and neighborhood life. Because Morvedre offers a lot to its neighbors, and wants to continue doing it. There are corners to discover in this little piece of the city that observes the Serrano Towers so closely.: a place where they capture life in the form of a tattoo, a pastry shop that offers Valencian sweets, a glass blowing workshop, climbing walls, the Conchita Piquer museum, a supermarket that is a cooperative, a market that is part of a beautiful project, the great LGTBIQ+ nightclub in the city…

Delaingle Tattoo
Guadalaviar, 9
Fernando de la Iglesia tattoos a girl behind the glass of the room, concentrated. Carmen explains to us with self-confidence and innate kindness that in this studio they have a different and very interesting concept of tattooing.. for them, Each drawing on the skin tells a life story, That's why they want to hear from each person who passes by their premises.. With what the clientele tells them, Fernando creates a unique illustration that engraves on the skin. His background as an illustrator of poetry and conceptual novels can be seen in his impressive timeless designs., that escape trends, fashions and styles, minimalists, with little color and some dadaism. Carmen advisor, recommends, contribute ideas and manage the show. In the fourteen years they have been in business (seven at the location on Guadalaviar Street), Delaingle Tattoo He has designed more than fifteen thousand tattoos, and of them, There are many that have remained engraved in the memory of Carmen and Fernando. They say that an eighty-year-old man came accompanied by his daughter to get a tattoo, since he had never done it before and wanted to go to the grave peacefully. He left there very excited. Another Galician client wanted to get a tattoo of a typical bird from his land, and when he saw it engraved on his skin, he was speechless while he cried.. Until the next day he was unable to convey his feeling of emotion and gratitude.. And it is that, A tattoo is much more than art on the skin for Delaingle Tattoo, It is the representation of a whole life.

Valls Pastry Shop
Ruaya, 12
It is clear that Moisés and Isabel opt for the traditional, Well you just have to take a look at your counter, where sweet potato pies coexist, carrot cakes, orange or apple, the anise rolls, the meringues, Lyonnaises and cakes. The Valls Pastry Shop It is well known in the Morvedre neighborhood, but also outside of it. It is, especially, for being one of the few in the city that is still preparing the shell of kings, that typical Valencian sweet that was served on Three Kings' Day before the roscón arrived in the 15th century to destroy local tradition. For those who don't know, It is prepared with marzipan and filled with candied sweet potato or yolk, forming a donut or snake with the dough. To continue with the traditions of our land, They also prepare the arnadí, that sweet pumpkin with almonds very typical of the Xativa area. They make it in four sizes and not only at Easter, but all year round, and it is because of this sweet that so many people have been coming to the pastry shop for nineteen years now..

Glass Smiles
Nugget, 28
Upon entering Sara's premises we see a pile of boxes stacked next to the desk that precedes her large workshop.. “It is a lamp for the University of Saudi Arabia, “made up of six thousand pieces of blown glass”. It leaves us speechless that they have searched for her from so far away., but after five minutes of talking to her she transmits her strength to us, your security and love for your work, and we understand everything. Sara Sorribes has effort in her DNA, passion and craftsmanship. He learned the art of glass blowing from his father., who, in turn, he learned it from his. Both were well-known artisans who created Glass Smiles, the company that she, has not only maintained, but it has made it grow. Sara does custom work, unique designs for companies or individuals, pieces that are commissioned or that she designs herself. Can make anything we can think of: figures, vases, tableware, trophies, lamps, mesas… And she is busy with these last ones now, preparing an exhibition of unique tables, made from thousands of pieces of recovered glass that are truly precious. Really, does everything. During the pandemic 2020, given the lack of medical supplies, Sara gave straws and glass respirators she created to hospitals. Vidriada is their line of glass jewelry that has no waste, in case you want to gossip: At this moment it is waiting for the resolution of the National Crafts Awards, in which Vidrios Sorribes is a finalist. Good luck, Sara. you deserve it.

La Llavoreta
Oriola, 14
In La Llavoreta it smells like jasmine. To jasmine and art. And it is that, in this space, the performing and plastic arts invade everything, like the smell of jasmine. Ana Ulloa is now the coordinator of the space, former member of the Maquinant Teatre company that had its headquarters there. Now, Very diverse projects and people coexist in La Llavoreta, that enrich this place full of good energy. La Llavoreta is a beautiful two-story house where the neighborhood grocery store used to be.. On the upper floor was the home of the family that ran the grocery store., at that time when it was so common to live in the same space where you had your business. Now, Upstairs the puppet workshop of Nelo Sebastián from Vudú Teatro coexists, the ceramic studio La Cuina, the plastic artists Rosabel Velázquez and Álex Jover and the painting workshop of Ana Ulloa, who is not only dedicated to theater. The ground floor is an open space with one of those urban terraces that become an oasis in the midst of chaos for its residents.. Very cool activities have been planned in La Llavoreta these years, like the experience of the Llavoreta Viva festival with Danish Dogs, which consisted of representing intimate theater pieces in each of the rooms of the house. Now, Ana Ulloa works on a piece that deals with the topic of family memory through objects, an intimate piece that will be performed at a table surrounded by only ten people. And it is that, Ideas like this arise in this space, interdisciplinary research processes always open to synergies between artists who, little by little, They want to go looking for their place and open up to the neighborhood. Whoever wants to join the La Llavoreta project or has an interesting idea, Well (@anaulloa2009) will be delighted to hear.

Concha Piquer House-Museum
Ruaya, 25
“green eyes, green like basil, green like green wheat, and the green, the lemon green…” It is impossible not to know the song by Conchita Piquer. But we did not know that the beautiful building where the artist grew up is located in the Morvedre neighborhood., which is now the museo about his fascinating life. We look at your photos, that look of his that transmitted strength, their beautiful mantillas and dresses full of sequins and ruffles. We read the posters that reveal a life full of successes, and we know now that he was born in this building on Ruaya Street in 1906, where he lived with his family, humble people who could not predict that they had brought into the world one of the most incredible voices of the 20th century. It was discovered by the teacher Manuel Penella in the Huerto de Sogueros theater., where she was known as “la xiqueta del carrer Morvedre”. The composer was preparing the premiere of his zarzuela The wild cat in New York and this is how Cocha Piquer's adventure began in Manhattan and a career that took her to stages around the world. We look at her dressing table, with its cosmetics and accessories, the furniture of the house, paintings of the Virgin Mary, the beautiful mosaic floors. We are amazed at his endless discography, the number of films he shot, all the shows he directed with an iron fist. We immerse ourselves in the daily life of this great artist who always traveled with a lot of trunks, who had an unmatched voice and who had an amazing life that is worth knowing.

We already know that this is the neighborhood where Conchita Piquer was born and it turns out that Nino Bravo also lived here. Below we talk about a conscious food cooperative that lives off the work and involvement of its members., from a mountain goods store that also offers a climbing wall for adults and children, of a place where board games are enjoyed on site, of a restaurant that gives us the gastronomy of Eastern Europe and of a percussion school that opens a world of possibilities for those who want to learn and have fun..

We are food
Maximiliano Thous 26
"Horta is the future", says the flag found at the entrance to Som Alimentación, a cooperative in which it is the members who work, buy and consume. They seek responsible and ecological consumption, local products at fair and transparent prices. They tell us how a cooperative like this really works and we listen very attentively.: To be part of the cooperative it is necessary to contribute fifty euros of entry and, after, every social can, or put eight euros a month, or work four hours a month. In this way they get a twenty percent discount on products from a supermarket that is theirs., a place where they shop to eat how they think. This great family now numbers more than six hundred members, who run a place where many products are sold in bulk: dried fruits, pasta, various flours, cereals, soaps, Godella detergents and vermouth with your own tap. We find all kinds of food products such as honey, leche, has, café, beer and wine, everything with its provenance indicated on the label on the shelf. There is no shortage of cleaning and cosmetic products, no nougat, sweets or gift boxes for these dates. If we don't want to be members, no problem., This is a supermarket open to neighbors who are committed to healthy eating., local and reasonably priced.

Actor Mora, 31
This is a place for gambling in all its aspects, a cafeteria and playroom so that children and adults can enjoy board games, of cards, role-playing or console. Just by sitting down and ordering our drinks we can enjoy all the games they offer, which we also find for sale, in case after playing we decide that we want to enjoy them at home. During the week the place is quieter, but on weekends its long tables are filled with players who participate in the tournaments organized by Geekcología partners or, sometimes, national tournaments organized by gaming brands. Since its creation, a little over a year ago, Geeklogy has encouraged the creation of numerous communities of players, people who share your passion for a specific game, who set up their WhatsApp groups and meet at the premises to play. Adam, one of the owners, He also shows us the products they have for sale.: games like La Fallera skull o Virus they are still number one, but we also find cooperative games (in which you play against the game itself, alone or with company), and some very fun new features like Gods: a divine game, in which we eviscerate Greek mythologies, Nordic and Egyptian or deadly tram, a game of moral dilemmas in which we must decide which road to drive on while the rest try to convince us not to invade theirs.

Vents. Mountain and nature
Actor Mora, 23
There are few stores as complete as Vents in Valencia for mountain lovers.. Here we can find all kinds of material and equipment for mountain activities, as well as professional advice for beginners and professionals: clothes, carabiners, cat feet, hammocks, hats, socks, add-ons, books, everything everything everything. Its activity begins in 2006 and since then they have done nothing but expand this temple, also opening two bulders or climbing walls for children and adults. For adults, sessions of one and a half hours cost six euros., and we can also opt for private or group courses. Vents Kids (in Constitution 62) It is the children's climbing wall, Open to the public from four to fourteen years old, in which weekly climbing classes are offered for children for forty euros per month. Vents opens up a whole range of possibilities to get started in this healthy and fun practice that is currently so fashionable.. It will be for a reason.

eastern restaurant
Sagunto, 86
This small place, with red tablecloths and a family air, serves bulgarian food, although it also includes dishes and products from Russian cuisine, Ukrainian and Hungarian at affordable prices. The flavors are strong, abundant and filling dishes. We tried the very long grilled beef skewers (there are also pork and foal), baked feta cheese with egg, tomato, Bulgarian pepper and spices, el Sarmi, some delicious cabbage leaves stuffed with minced meat, rice, onion and spices. We accompany the dishes with beers and Bulgarian wine, surprising and delicious. Definitely, this is a place to discover an unknown cuisine and share, a place without frills visited by diners who long for the cuisine of their country and by Valencians curious and open to new flavors.

Borumbaia Percussion
Nugget, 17
Have you seen them animating a party, a demonstration or a wedding and you have been bitten by the bug? Has it been on your mind for a while to sign up for a batucada?? Borumbaia is the only one—apart from Sambala, in Nazareth— located inside Valencia, the rest are scattered through lonely areas of the metropolitan area (Dawn, catarrh, Manises…) for a compelling reason: soundproofing requirements within the city are very demanding. And it is already known, The sound of the drums is enchantingly thunderous!! In reality, it is not that difficult to follow the easy rhythms designed for beginners that will teach you the first year, yes indeed, you have to learn the cuts so as not to clash. Choose instrument. You can mark the tempo with surdos one and two (serious and deep) or dance to the rhythm of the middle surdo. The sharp chime is for the daring and the snare drum is for those who have some experience in percussion.. Borumbaia was born in 2008 in the Flumen room and visited places like El Loco Mateo, the Woody Disco and different rehearsal rooms before establishing its final headquarters in 2014 on Pepita Street, after requesting licenses, carry out demolitions and finish some cumbersome works that gave shape to a soundproofed premises to silence even 128 decibels (the clubs are soundproofed for a maximum of 104). The school's staff is made up of eight teachers who teach different percussions from around the world. (Afro-Brazilian, oriental, africana, afrolatina or flamenco) and other instruments such as the guitar for guateques, the ukulele, piano or drums. You will need two maces, earplugs to protect your ears, a ribbon to attach the drum to your waist and knee pads to withstand its constant beating, Little more is needed if you want to delve into this wonderful genre born in Brazil, ideal to liven up any sarao.

Cooker Oven
Pobla del Duc, 11
It all started when José's mother went into labor in her oven in Requena.. Of a strong woman who gave birth among flour, The man who now runs the Horno Cócera was born together with his nice wife Cuca. How could it be otherwise?, José became an artist, verbatim words of his wife, of which we attest. The couple has been attending to the queue of neighbors that gather at the door for almost twenty years., waiting for your crispy croissants or your Requena sausage coca. Now, how the times rule, They also make special rye flour breads, spelled, buckwheat and one hundred percent whole wheat. However, the queen is still the quarter loaf of bread, the one of all life. The secret of this bread is curious: They buy the flour from a flour mill in Cuenca who has his own mill, of the ancients, of which there are almost no left. This man chooses the wheat he wants to buy, He grinds it and puts the flour in Joseph's hands., that works its magic. That magic also helps him prepare the Mallorca ensaimadas that, as they say, They have nothing to envy of those on the island.

Sant Pere Nolasc market
Saint Elizabeth, 5
After many years of decline and with only one stop open, the Mercat Sant Pere Nolasc definitely closed its shutters in 2019. The closure of this market that gave so much life to the Morvedre neighborhood affected the minds of three students of the Master of Photography at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Valencia (Maria Galindo, Nuria Laserna and Ania Zawisza) who carried out a beautiful initiative as a final project: Sant Pere Nolasc market – A living market covered the closed blinds of the market with old photographs from the archives of Francesc Jarque and of neighbors of the neighborhood in which we see the old stalls that invite us to walk through the place as if it were still active. We see the power, to the butcher, to the greengrocer, marked with QR codes that take us to interviews with them, former owners of the stops who remember what their daily lives were like, How their way of living changed over the years and the neighborhood network that was generated around the space. This past January, an exhibition based on this project was inaugurated in Las Naves., in which interviews, documents and photographs reviewed the history of the Mercat de Sant Pere Nolasc. It invited us to reflect on how our way of consuming and living in neighborhoods has changed., and about climate change, and claimed proximity product, sustainable tourism and fair trade and km. 0, in addition to valuing the market as the backbone of the neighborhood. It is about, definitely, of a precious and necessary project. It seems that now the city council is beginning to propose a reform of the surroundings of the Sant Pere Nolasc market, So perhaps there is still hope for this hidden corner that brought so much life to the neighborhood in question..

Desire 54
Nugget, 13
If we investigate the well-known LGTBIQ+ nightclub Deseo 54 we see countless photos of men with naked torsos, drag queens with scandalous makeup, sequins and lots of feathers, videos of a stage with colored lights, artists in full swing, people dancing, jumping and being free. Deseo has been in operation for more than twenty years 54, what is said soon, celebrating mythical parties that surpass those of a typical nightclub, with music and dance, since they are headed by national and international artists who put together showsimpressive. The music is varied: the club remains faithful to the sessions house that have always characterized it (The most important DJs on the national scene have played on their plates.), but it also offers pop and more commercial music for a young audience.

Paquito Winery
Chronicler Rivelles, 7
“Paquito Wineries. Wines, oils and liqueurs, reads the original sign that we found inside the current premises. This winery has changed a lot since, at the beginning of the last century, I would sell everything in bulk, but the soul of the original business remains. We lean on the bar, the same since the beginning of time, We observe the appetizing contents of its display cases: question, good ham and sausage, scratch, pickled anchovies, cheese in oil, real tomatoes, salad, torreznos, good preserves and better wines. The couple who runs the winery today tell us that they don't have a kitchen., but they don't need it either because the goods they buy are of the best quality.. Small but cozy, Bodegas Paquito is a mandatory stop if we pass through Morvedre, for an informal but delicious snack while we admire the Torres de Serranos and the Túria riverbed.

Teatro La Plaza
Primate Reig, 8
The La Plazeta Theater raised the curtain on 2020 with the intention of being a backbone between the neighborhoods of Orriols, Torrefiel, Rascanya and La Saïdia. It is part of the Salesiano San Antonio Abad School, so it hosts the center's own events, but it is also open to the general public, for which it offers a varied program. Proposals focused on humor stand out, magic or the circus. Their live cinema is very special, which consists of the projection of musical films accompanied by live dancing (the latest projections have been La la land y Oh mama!), or their Candlelight, concerts illuminated by the light of thousands of candles. Besides, the theater holds two notable events a year: Plaza A La Fresca, in summer, when he takes the chairs and the stage outdoors to liven up the hot nights; in winter, The exterior hosts the Valencia Christmas Market, a Christmas market with ice skating rink, food trucks and a circus show. The more than seven hundred seats in this large space have welcomed Valencians who have been able to see artists like Coque Malla live., Lalachus, Compay Second Group, Box Romero, The Drugs, Caliphate 3/4 Eva Soriano. To find out about their programming, follow them on Instagram.

St. Anthony Abbot Parish
Sagunto, 188
The origin of this church that we find on Sagunto Street dates back to the 14th century, when the Hospitaller Order of Saint Anthony Abbot (the antonians) build a hermitage and a hospital. From that moment, The building is remodeled several times, until it belongs to the Dominicans and, finally, to the salesians. It is an austere temple on the outside and inside., but since its beginnings it has stood out for being the epicenter of the Sant Antoni de Porquet festivities, festival of the patron saint of animals. The Antonian brothers were in charge of taking care of the animals that stayed on the moon in Valencia (out of town), so they were the ones who started celebrating the day 17 January the festival of the blessing of animals. It is a week of celebrations in the parish in which a bonfire is lit, the animals carried by the neighbors are blessed, and these parade in front of the image of Sant Antoni del Porquet. Besides, Funds are collected for different animal protection associations, dances and a torchlight procession take place, quite a spectacle.

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