
The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

Theater workshop aimed at women who want to develop their creative side in groups and individually. We will work on the art of interpretation through group dynamics, consolidating confidence in ourselves.


Wave like the others

The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

A journey that begins with Ona's curiosity, a little girl, like so many other women, he lives in different places- tions of inequality. This leads him to investigate how the situation of women has been throughout history and to meet some of them.


Creative artistic laboratory

The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

Artistic creative recycling workshop to learn how to transform pieces into unique works of art, using techniques such as collage, the painting, el patchwork. A fun way to find innovative ways to reuse and recycle creating art. With Alejandra Miralles.


Dancing Queen

The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

Dancing Queen is a socio-artistic project with weekly meetings, in which through movement and other artistic tools, we meet, let's strengthen and share together, feeling like the real Queens of the dance. With Noelia Arcos.


Samba queens

The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

In this series of dance workshops, women will rediscover their confidence, strength and magic of the female body as we explore the movements of Brazil's Carnival queens. We are the queens of the Queen's samba 121!



The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

Theater workshop aimed at women who want to develop their creative side in groups and individually. We will work on the art of interpretation through group dynamics, consolidating confidence in ourselves.


Sona Fang

The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

Sona Fang is change, mutation, it is constant transformation. The wet mud, modela l’instrument, giving way to the ceramic piece that sounds and is recorded in a loop, creating layers and soundscapes that interact with each other to tell stories.



The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

Colomet is a new way of transmitting urban music, with their lively and fresh live performances, that reach directly to the younger audience. The Cabanyal will host a special concert, on la proximitat i calidesa està garantida.


self portrait: Discovering our identity through art

The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

Plastic arts workshop. +16 years 120' How I imagine my image? What do I want to express?, manifest and convey? This workshop offers the participants to immerse themselves, through the self-portrait, en el coneixement de si mateixes.


The Nereids. Choir of girls at the Cabanyal

The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

The Nereids, they want to add the sung voice to the musical tradition of a legendary neighborhood like El Cabanyal. A fun activity that involves the social and cultural fabric, amb les tempestes i les marees dels Poblats Marítims.


I Cabanyal Visual Arts Campus

The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

A project whose main objective is to promote visual education through a program of activities aimed at people and groups of different age ranges, prestant especial atenció a la pròpia comunitat 09/07/2024 i 10/07/2024 - 17.30h. Taller de fotografia. 8-12 years. 90' Explora la teua mirada: taller fotogràfic al barri Colectivo La Breva En aquest ... Read more


I Cabanyal Visual Arts Campus

The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

A project whose main objective is to promote visual education through a program of activities aimed at people and groups of different age ranges, prestant especial atenció a la pròpia comunitat 09/07/2024 i 10/07/2024 - 17.30h. Taller de fotografia. 8-12 years. 90' Explora la teua mirada: taller fotogràfic al barri Colectivo La Breva En aquest ... Read more



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