From flower to fruit

The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

We will learn about the operation of a swarm of bees and its organization around the Queen Mother, to understand how they connect with the plant world. Dibuixarem la nostra pròpia abella i crearem un eixam col·lectiu. Of 4 a 10 years.


La Reina acoustics 121: Agueda Segrelles

The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

Agueda Segrelles, is a young promise of Valencian music, an artist in full training and talent development. Your delicate project, està cridant l’atenció a l’escena musical urbana emergent. Aquest és un bon dia per descobrir-la.


Dancing Queen

The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

Dancing Queen is a socio-artistic project with weekly meetings, in which through movement and other artistic tools, we meet, let's strengthen and share together, feeling like the real Queens of the dance. With Noelia Arcos.


Table of Cultural Agents

The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

This initiative is an invitation to cultural agents in the neighborhood to work on individual projects, towards some collective objectives, sharing experiences, creating synergies and generating networks.


Samba queens

The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

In this series of dance workshops, women will rediscover their confidence, strength and magic of the female body as we explore the movements of Brazil's Carnival queens. We are the queens of the Queen's samba 121!


The Crocheters

The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

A group of women from different cultures who use crochet as a form of artistic expression, thus demonstrating their ability to change and overcome. Teixint no només fils i llanes, sinó també llaços de comunitat i empoderament. Luchadoras de La Reina Emilia Heredia i Donatella Donato



The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

Theater workshop aimed at women who want to develop their creative side in groups and individually. We will work on the art of interpretation through group dynamics, consolidating confidence in ourselves.



The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

A dance show designed for the youngest members of the family, a colorful work, especially blue. Shapes, colors, moviment i música ens transporten a un univers hipnòtic, en el qual viuen tres nadadores una mica marcianes. EnÁmbar Danza


Creative artistic laboratory

The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

Artistic creative recycling workshop to learn how to transform pieces into unique works of art, using techniques such as collage, the painting, el patchwork. A fun way to find innovative ways to reuse and recycle creating art. With Alejandra Miralles.


Dancing Queen

The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

Dancing Queen is a socio-artistic project with weekly meetings, in which through movement and other artistic tools, we meet, let's strengthen and share together, feeling like the real Queens of the dance. With Noelia Arcos.


Samba queens

The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

In this series of dance workshops, women will rediscover their confidence, strength and magic of the female body as we explore the movements of Brazil's Carnival queens. We are the queens of the Queen's samba 121!


The Crocheters

The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

A group of women from different cultures who use crochet as a form of artistic expression, thus demonstrating their ability to change and overcome. Teixint no només fils i llanes, sinó també llaços de comunitat i empoderament. Luchadoras de La Reina Emilia Heredia i Donatella Donato



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