Jazz Panorama 2024: Dana Masters

The Hort de Trenor Of. Father Prudencio, s/n, Torrent, Valencia, Spain

Dana Masters was born and raised in the southern United States, en una família que va marcar l'inici del Moviment pels Drets Civils dels anys 50 i 60. Neta d'un cèlebre activista, la música de Dana reflectix l'alegria, the sadness, el dolor i el delit de l'experiència humana. Loved by the global audience, he ... Read more


Jazz Panorama 2024: Ariel Bringuez

The Hort de Trenor Of. Father Prudencio, s/n, Torrent, Valencia, Spain

Compositor, arranjador i professor d'origen cubà, Ariel Brínguez has played with musicians of the caliber of Tata Güines, Changuito Quintana, David Murray, Simply Red, Javier Colina, Pastori Girl, First, Paquito D'Rivera, Marcus Miller and Miguel Zenón, among others. Col·laborant amb Chucho Valdés 'Tributo a Irakere: live in Marciac' (2017) i amb Alejandro Sanz 'El Tren ... Read more


Jazz Panorama 2024: Sole Gimenez

The Hort de Trenor Of. Father Prudencio, s/n, Torrent, Valencia, Spain

singing, author and composer. Vocalist and composer during 23 years of the Presuntos Implicados group, from which songs are drawn that are part of the soundtrack of our lives: 'Todas las flores', 'Cómo hemos cambiado', 'Alma de blues', 'Mi pequeño tesoro'... In 2006, Sole Giménez decidix continuar amb la seua carrera musical en solitari, consolidating ... Read more
