Circus Night: Parade, the circus of the brave

CaixaForum Professor Lopez Piñero, 7, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

PARADE, THE CIRCUS OF THE BRAVE SHOW BY THE MAQUINÉ WEDNESDAYS 24 FROM JULY OF 2024 Una parella de comediants arriba a la plaça d'un poble i munta una petita carpa de circ per mostrar l'única atracció que tenen, en Babar, un petit elefant que vol ser artista, però que té por dels humans. ... Read more


Circus Night: Entre-Cordes

CaixaForum Professor Lopez Piñero, 7, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

ENTRE-CORDES SHOW AT CARRÉ DE MODO GROSSO WEDNESDAY 24 FROM JULY OF 2024 Déborah Colucci composes a modern and virtuoso repertoire for the harp. Amb el seu instrument improvisa i explora sons rics i variats. Alexis Rouvre és un artista físic, un malabarista i, sobretot, un manipulador de cordes. Junts fan ressonar un espai sonor ... Read more


Circus Night: Juggling workshop

CaixaForum Professor Lopez Piñero, 7, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

JUGGLING WORKSHOP. THE SHOW PRESENTED BY MOI JORDANA DEMECRES 24 FROM JULY OF 2024 En René i la Clotilde acolliran el públic a la seva carpa sense sostre ni parets. Tots dos personatges oferiran un taller-espectacle de benvinguda en el qual, a través del joc i l’humor, ensenyaran els diferents objectes malabars i el ... Read more


Circus Night: Swing Engine Street Sextet

CaixaForum Professor Lopez Piñero, 7, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

SWING ENGINE STREET SEXTET DIMECRES 24 FROM JULY OF 2024 Swing Engine Street Sextet is a formation inspired by the street gangs of the 1920s in New Orleans. Amb una formació típica de trompeta, clarinet, trombone, banjo, washboard i sousaphone, proposa temes tradicionals del jazz, sempre tocant amb alegria i energia. Una banda que ... Read more


Commented visit: XIX. The century of the portrait

CaixaForum Professor Lopez Piñero, 7, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

The visit is led by an educator who, from the dialogues with the participants, presents the key themes of the exhibition, els contextualitza i resol els possibles dubtes o preguntes que hi puguin sorgir. HORARIS En castellà: Thursday, to them 18 h Dissabtes, to them 18.30 h Diumenges, to them 12 h ... Read more


Family visit-workshop: XIX. The century of the portrait

CaixaForum Professor Lopez Piñero, 7, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Join a tour specially designed for families that includes a tour of the exhibition, participatory activities within the exhibition space and a workshop at the end of the visit. Conduïdes per un educador o una educadora, les visites duren 90 minuts i es basen en un tema principal de l'exposició que es desenvolupa a l'entorn ... Read more


Commented visit: XIX. The century of the portrait

CaixaForum Professor Lopez Piñero, 7, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

The visit is led by an educator who, from the dialogues with the participants, presents the key themes of the exhibition, els contextualitza i resol els possibles dubtes o preguntes que hi puguin sorgir. HORARIS En castellà: Thursday, to them 18 h Dissabtes, to them 18.30 h Diumenges, to them 12 h ... Read more


Family visit-workshop: XIX. The century of the portrait

CaixaForum Professor Lopez Piñero, 7, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Join a tour specially designed for families that includes a tour of the exhibition, participatory activities within the exhibition space and a workshop at the end of the visit. Conduïdes per un educador o una educadora, les visites duren 90 minuts i es basen en un tema principal de l'exposició que es desenvolupa a l'entorn ... Read more


Commented visit: XIX. The century of the portrait

CaixaForum Professor Lopez Piñero, 7, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

The visit is led by an educator who, from the dialogues with the participants, presents the key themes of the exhibition, els contextualitza i resol els possibles dubtes o preguntes que hi puguin sorgir. HORARIS En castellà: Thursday, to them 18 h Dissabtes, to them 18.30 h Diumenges, to them 12 h ... Read more


Family visit-workshop: XIX. The century of the portrait

CaixaForum Professor Lopez Piñero, 7, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Join a tour specially designed for families that includes a tour of the exhibition, participatory activities within the exhibition space and a workshop at the end of the visit. Conduïdes per un educador o una educadora, les visites duren 90 minuts i es basen en un tema principal de l'exposició que es desenvolupa a l'entorn ... Read more


Commented visit: XIX. The century of the portrait

CaixaForum Professor Lopez Piñero, 7, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

The visit is led by an educator who, from the dialogues with the participants, presents the key themes of the exhibition, els contextualitza i resol els possibles dubtes o preguntes que hi puguin sorgir. HORARIS En castellà: Thursday, to them 18 h Dissabtes, to them 18.30 h Diumenges, to them 12 h ... Read more


Nit de swing: Ball Social Swing

CaixaForum Professor Lopez Piñero, 7, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

SOCIAL SWING DANCE BY THE DANCING PEPA SWING BAND WEDNESDAY 17 FROM JULY OF 2024 Acaba aquesta Nit de swing amb un ball social festiu i música en directe gràcies a la formació de jazz i swing Le Dancing Pepa Swing Band. Una festa de ritmes i melodies contagiosos de swing inspirada en ... Read more



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