In the absence: Origen (and myth) of the portrait

CaixaForum Professor Lopez Piñero, 7, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

According to the myth, the portrait is born from absence. Faced with the impossibility of retaining the body of the loved one, one would want, at least, preserve your image. Esta presencia de una ausencia es el origen (y el fin) de todo retrato, ya sea pintura, escultura o fotografía. Aquello que ya no está, pero todavía se ve. ... Read more


Night of Rhythm: Djembefo

CaixaForum Professor Lopez Piñero, 7, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

DJEMBEFÓ DJARABÍ DMECRES 31 FROM JULY OF 2024 Rhythm as a universal language is the basis for expressing music. history, tradition, customs... The Djembefó group presents Djarabí (‘passió’), un magnífic i acolorit museu d’instruments africans de percussió, des del balàfon fins a la bara, des del dunun fins al djembe, combinats amb ... Read more


Night of Rhythm: Introduction workshop to flamenco cajón

CaixaForum Professor Lopez Piñero, 7, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

INTRODUCTORY WORKSHOP TO CAIXÓ FLAMENC WEDNESDAY 31 FROM JULY OF 2024 This workshop will introduce you to the exciting and fun world of rhythmic flamenco. A través de les alegries i un palo fresc, experimentarem amb els dotze temps del compàs flamenc i els seus ritmes mitjançant la percussió corporal i la prosòdia, ritmes que finalment es ... Read more


Night of Rhythm: Percussion workshop

CaixaForum Professor Lopez Piñero, 7, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

BODY PERCUSSION WORKSHOP IN CHARGE OF ENRIC PIZÀ WEDNESDAY 31 FROM JULY OF 2024 Everyone has an inner rhythm. In this workshop, i amb el cos com a eina creativa i sonora, aprofundirem en les tècniques més utilitzades de la percussió corporal. A través de jocs, reptes, coreografies i amb grans hits de la música ... Read more


Night of Rhythm. welcome

CaixaForum Professor Lopez Piñero, 7, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

WELCOME TO WEDNESDAY RHYTHM NIGHT 31 FROM JULY OF 2024 We open the Night with rhythm surrounded and surrounded by African percussions. We invite you to enjoy listening, dancing and connecting with the drive of the rhythms and melodies that the Djembefó musicians will offer us. Un petit aperitiu per a una nit amb diferents ... Read more


Commented visit: XIX. The century of the portrait

CaixaForum Professor Lopez Piñero, 7, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

The visit is led by an educator who, from the dialogues with the participants, presents the key themes of the exhibition, els contextualitza i resol els possibles dubtes o preguntes que hi puguin sorgir. HORARIS En castellà: Thursday, to them 18 h Dissabtes, to them 18.30 h Diumenges, to them 12 h ... Read more


Family visit-workshop: XIX. The century of the portrait

CaixaForum Professor Lopez Piñero, 7, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Join a tour specially designed for families that includes a tour of the exhibition, participatory activities within the exhibition space and a workshop at the end of the visit. Conduïdes per un educador o una educadora, les visites duren 90 minuts i es basen en un tema principal de l'exposició que es desenvolupa a l'entorn ... Read more


Commented visit: XIX. The century of the portrait

CaixaForum Professor Lopez Piñero, 7, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

The visit is led by an educator who, from the dialogues with the participants, presents the key themes of the exhibition, els contextualitza i resol els possibles dubtes o preguntes que hi puguin sorgir. HORARIS En castellà: Thursday, to them 18 h Dissabtes, to them 18.30 h Diumenges, to them 12 h ... Read more


Family visit-workshop: XIX. The century of the portrait

CaixaForum Professor Lopez Piñero, 7, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Join a tour specially designed for families that includes a tour of the exhibition, participatory activities within the exhibition space and a workshop at the end of the visit. Conduïdes per un educador o una educadora, les visites duren 90 minuts i es basen en un tema principal de l'exposició que es desenvolupa a l'entorn ... Read more


Commented visit: XIX. The century of the portrait

CaixaForum Professor Lopez Piñero, 7, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

The visit is led by an educator who, from the dialogues with the participants, presents the key themes of the exhibition, els contextualitza i resol els possibles dubtes o preguntes que hi puguin sorgir. HORARIS En castellà: Thursday, to them 18 h Dissabtes, to them 18.30 h Diumenges, to them 12 h ... Read more


Family visit-workshop: XIX. The century of the portrait

CaixaForum Professor Lopez Piñero, 7, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Join a tour specially designed for families that includes a tour of the exhibition, participatory activities within the exhibition space and a workshop at the end of the visit. Conduïdes per un educador o una educadora, les visites duren 90 minuts i es basen en un tema principal de l'exposició que es desenvolupa a l'entorn ... Read more


Commented visit: XIX. The century of the portrait

CaixaForum Professor Lopez Piñero, 7, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

The visit is led by an educator who, from the dialogues with the participants, presents the key themes of the exhibition, els contextualitza i resol els possibles dubtes o preguntes que hi puguin sorgir. HORARIS En castellà: Thursday, to them 18 h Dissabtes, to them 18.30 h Diumenges, to them 12 h ... Read more



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