39 Cinema Jove



Summer, The holidays are in the air and Valencia becomes the true capital of cinema with the inauguration of a new edition of the festival Cinema Jove. We quickly move on to breaking down the programming. Ten films in competition in the OFFICIAL FEATURE FILMS SECTION. As usual, conflicts in adolescence will be reflected in works such as Excursion by Bosnian director Una Gunjak, that tells us about lying and adaptation problems in youth. Or maternal-filial relationships, theme of works like the Italian The Paradise by Enrico Maria Artale and the Indian Girls will be girls de Shuchi Talati. Japanese cinema is represented with two intimate works, Fly on by Takuya Katô and All the long nights de Shô Miyake, who will already participate in the contest with his brilliant debut Small, slow but steady. The mixture of documentary and fiction is found in 78 days de Emilija Gasic, who addresses the war in Yugoslavia reflected in the daily life of a family, and in Of living without ilusion de Katharina Lüdin, where Bergman's shadow flies over the stormy relationship between two women. This year, Cinema Jove includes two Valencian productions: the comedy The devil carries him by Guillermo Polo, y Valencian by Jordi Nuñez, portrait of Valencia from the corruption of the nineties.

The OFFICIAL SHORT FILM SECTION once again offers us an extensive program with up to sixty productions from all over the world and in all formats., of fiction cinema, animation or documentary to the experimental. Some notable titles are: Intrusion del islandés Gunnur Martinsdóttir, 27 but Flóra Anna Buda, animated short that won the Palme d'Or at Cannes, Porzelain by Annika Birgel presented at the last Berlinale, A study of empathy by the Danish Hilke Rönnfeldt and Golden Leopard at the Locarno festival, the spanish film The bus by Sandra Reina, Gaudí Award for best short documentary, y The read sea makes me wanna cry the Faris Alrjoob. The Valencian short will be represented by works by authors such as Alberto Evangelio, David Gaspar, Kevin Castellano, Edu Hirschfeld, Raquel Egea or Marta Guillem.

In another vein, The ORBITES section offers us four works that explore new languages ​​and experimental narratives. We will see The art of the illiterate by Kevin Castellano, film in which the director accompanies his grandfather on a trip from Valencia to the Pyrenees emulating the same trip he made as a post-war child. They follow him Praise of the horizon by Rafa Alberola and the screenwriter Jimena Merino or My sextortion diary in which the Catalan director Patricia Franquesa tells us in the first person, with a language of social networks, a case of cyber extortion when his computer is stolen in a bar in Madrid. The program closes with the medium-length film by debutant Alberto Martín Menacho, who in yesterday night tells us about the exploitation of rural areas by technology companies.

Besides, Cinema Jove also has a space dedicated to television SERIES and internet formats where we can enjoy the latest proposals from all over the world.. In the cycles section we find an interesting program of proposals. Start the program with After the party by Peter Salmona who tells us a hard story about the difficulty of deciding between preserving the truth or personal relationships when its protagonist, Penny, denounces her own husband for abusing her daughter's teenage friend. Other themes and conflicts flood the images of the German Push by Luisa Hardenberg, which narrates the vicissitudes of a group of midwives, o Dates in real life by Jakob Rørvik on the concealment of personality on internet networks. The French Extra will tell us about sexual relations in people with disabilities, and the Canadian I will bury you takes us to the realm of comedy in the case of two brothers who have to spread their mother's meat. The Spanish presence will be represented by the Valencian documentary series Ignorant de Mar Castel, about the difficulties of our youth in carrying out their creative projects, and now out of the competition we will see the successful See you in another life by Jorge Sánchez-Cabezudo on the 11M attack in Madrid.

This year the cycle THE YOUNG... will be dedicated to the North American Tim Burton. Creator of magical worlds, Burton has revitalized the gothic genre and his influence is felt everywhere. As usual, We will see Burton's first works until he reaches the age of forty, limit at which he could have participated in the festival. Among the works that will be screened in this cycle we find titles such as Frankenweenie (1984), one of his first short films that would tell, years later, with a long format version and in which a boy tries to revive his dog Sparky who has been hit by a car. In this cycle we will find lesser-known titles such as Pee Wee's great adventure (1985), comedy adaptation of The bicycle thief by Vittorio De Sica, and established classics such as the endearing Edward Scissorhands (1990), with which Burton would begin his collaboration with a young Johnny Deep. With Deep he would perhaps make his best work, Ed Wood (1994), on the figure of the B-series director with a splendid Martin Landau in the cast. Other Burton works that we will see are Mars attacks!, his particular tribute to the science fiction films of the fifties, y Sleepy Hollow (1999), his also peculiar adaptation of Washington Irving's story.

Cinema Jove takes us back to the high school classrooms with the fourth edition of the HIGH SCHOOL cycle. The program takes off strong with the unforgettable Dead poets society by Peter Weir with Robin Williams in the unforgettable role of Professor Keating. We will also see titles like Hate in the classrooms by Paul Bogart, portrait of racial integration in the United States, or recent titles like Teacher's room de Ilker Çatak, On the edge of seventeen de Kelly Fremon, o An education by Lone Scherfig with a brilliant Carey Mulligan in the role of a young woman who allows herself to be seduced by an older man. Other titles are The virgin suicides,Sofia Coppola's feature debut, Yo, he and Rachel by Alfonso Gomez-Rejon, Welcome to the dollhouse but Todd Solondz, y Election by Alexander Payne in which the author of Between glasses performs an acid parody of the American electoral system through the elections of an institute.

Among other programmed cycles we find a new edition of THE GODS OF ANIME with a selection of the best works by the masters of the genre. And this year Cinema Jove also enters the world of video games with the GAME ON cycle where a selection of titles show us the development of this form of entertainment in cinema. We start with the classic from the eighties War games by John Badham in which a young Matthew Broderick must dismantle a computer game that will endanger the world order. The two versions of the Disney classic follow, Tron by Steven Lisberger and its sequel Tron legacy de Joseph Kosinski. In the DOCUMENTARY field we will see two works: Tetris de Jon Baird, about the dark conspiracies that surrounded the creation of the popular video game, and Mario-Paul Martínez, which tells the work of the Alicante company Arcade Vintage to recover the original arcade video game machines. Within the pure adaptation of video games to cinema we find two titles: Ace attorney de Takashi Miike y Scott Pilgrim vs. the world by Edgar Wright with a young Michael Cera in the cast.

But Cinema Jove is more than just a film festival, It is a meeting place for professionals and students. In this sense, once again we highlight the AUDIOVISUAL MEETING OF YOUNG PEOPLE, germ of the festival that this year includes in short format 27 jobs from children's centers, ESO and high school throughout Spain. An opportunity to enjoy the young talent of our country with a selection of works that compete in talent with professionals.

Besides, Cinema Jove presents the tenth edition of the program CURT CREIXENT, dedicated to the presentation of short film projects that will have here a unique opportunity to meet with producers for their development. Besides, Short Crescent offers an interesting program of talks about the world of short films. Among some of the issues to be discussed, the influence of Artificial Intelligence and its impact on the audiovisual sector will be discussed., as well as the issue of intellectual property rights that arise from its application, and one masterclass by art director Leonor Díaz, collaborator of Chema García Ibarra in Holy Spirit, that will give us the keys to his work.

And attention because this year Cinema Jove awards the LUNA DE VALÈNCIA PRIZE to the Mexican director Alonso Ruizpalacios, without a doubt one of the rising names on the international scene. After a successful career as a short film director, Ruizpalacios makes his feature film debut with Güeros, film with which he would win the award for Best First Film at the Berlin Festival and Best Latin American Film at the San Sebastián Festival. Con Güeros, Ruizpalacios lays the foundations for a cinema of great formal power and acid humor that stirs the wounds of society through the adventures of its protagonists., Shadow and Saints, two hedonistic young people who move like ghosts in a university context of great political unrest. His carefree gaze helps Ruizpalacios to reveal the theater that drives a decomposing society.. After Güeros, Ruizpalacios would direct Gael García Bernal in Museo, another job that, under a certain layer of comedy, pierces the ancestral myths of the national spirit of his country. And back to today, we can also see A police movie, his third feature film not released in theaters in Spain, a brilliant approach to the world of police and corruption in Mexico City. With a style that mixes fiction and documentary, Ruizpalacios offers us a subtle and intelligent portrait of a world in which criminals intersect, authority and the common citizen, a universe where prejudices and preconceived ideas collapse before the humanity of its characters. Ruizpalacios will be with the Valencian public, all-of-a-luxury. All the information about Cinema Jove in detail in our web and in the festival website. G.LEON

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