The Crocheters. Fighters of The Queen

The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

A group of women from different cultures who use crochet as a form of artistic expression, weaving not only yarns and wools, sinó també llaços de comunitat i empoderament.


Muses. Yolanda Gomez

The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

Theater workshop aimed at women who want to develop their creative side in groups and also individually. We will work on the art of interpretation through group dynamics, consolidant la confiança en nosaltres mateixes


Neighborhood mythology

The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

Workshop where we collect anecdotes from the neighborhood in a group to transform them into legends. We will create a mythological map of the Cabanyal to redefine the public space, transforming anonymity into heroism through songs, poemes o escultures.


Illustration workshop Klaus Reis

The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

The illustrator and painter Klaus Reis will teach an illustration workshop for all audiences. An approach to the creation of unique portraits based on stains and experimentation.


II APIV Good Practice Conferences

The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

An opportunity to share knowledge and experiences between professional illustrators and broaden knowledge about good practices in the illustration sector. Associació de Professionals de la Il·lustració Valenciana (APIV).


II APIV Good Practice Conferences

The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

An opportunity to share knowledge and experiences between professional illustrators and broaden knowledge about good practices in the illustration sector. Associació de Professionals de la Il·lustració Valenciana (APIV).


Samba queens

The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

In this series of dance workshops, women will rediscover their confidence, strength and magic of the female body, mentres explorem els moviments de les reines del Carnestoltes del Brasil. We are the queens of the Queen's samba 121!


The Crocheters. Fighters of The Queen

The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

A group of women from different cultures who use crochet as a form of artistic expression, weaving not only yarns and wools, sinó també llaços de comunitat i empoderament.


Mujer Klórica

The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

Mujer Klórica és un projecte que parla del paper de la dona a la societat i al flamenc, així com també de la recuperació de cants autòctons i fronterers. Alicia Carrasco, José Manuel León i Pablo Villanueva.


Muses. Yolanda Gomez

The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

Theater workshop aimed at women who want to develop their creative side in groups and also individually. We will work on the art of interpretation through group dynamics, consolidant la confiança en nosaltres mateixes


Neighborhood mythology

The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

Workshop where we collect anecdotes from the neighborhood in a group to transform them into legends. We will create a mythological map of the Cabanyal to redefine the public space, transforming anonymity into heroism through songs, poemes o escultures.


The red thread

The Queen 121 Queen Street 121, Valencia

It tells the story of Sergi, a child of 4 years and his friend Piti, how they know each other and they go through different families until they find, a través d’un fil vermell, la família definitiva, l’Óscar i el Vicent. Un contacontes que parla de la diversitat familiar. Of 3 a 10 years.



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