“Mexican dream”, by Laura Pancarte

OCCC Sant Ferran, 12, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Malena tied her tubes after an abusive relationship. He fled to Mexico City looking for a better life, però el seu exmarit va aconseguir la custòdia dels seus fills malgrat la seva lluita. Avui, la Malena té una nova parella i està acabant de construir la casa on somia viure amb els seus tres ... Read more


With Woman's Voice: Xiomara Abello

OCCC Sant Ferran, 12, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Cultural Action of the Valencian Country (ACPV) launches the poster of the fourth cycle "With a woman's voice", un total de sis concerts destinats a destacar el talent de dones en la música. El cartell queda configurat amb sis noms de l'escena musical actual, que oferiran les seues actuacions entre setembre i desembre d’enguany. Aquest cicle, what ... Read more


Citizenship Act against Corruption in times of emergency

OCCC Sant Ferran, 12, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

From the Observatori Ciutadà contra la Corrupció we organize the event "Citizenship and fight against corruption in times of emergency" next Wednesday 11 December, at 6pm in October Contemporary Culture Center (C/ Saint Ferran, 12). With the participation of prominent jurists, we will analyze, from different perspectives, permanent and new challenges for the fight against corruption in these difficult times. Also ... Read more


“A Christmas for everyone”, the Ken Wardrop

OCCC Sant Ferran, 12, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

We are at the end of November in a small and quiet Irish town. Anticipation for the upcoming Christmas season is growing rapidly. People buy Christmas trees, festive music plays and some fight to buy presents. Everything is getting very bright and noisy and, especially, excessive and expensive. “Un Nadal per a ... Read more


Action Documentary +: A Christmas for everyone

OCCC Sant Ferran, 12, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

We are at the end of November in a small and quiet Irish town. Anticipation for the upcoming Christmas season is growing rapidly. People buy Christmas trees, festive music plays and some fight to buy presents. Everything is getting very bright and noisy and, especially, excessive and expensive. “Un Nadal per a ... Read more


With a woman's voice 2024: Colomet

OCCC Sant Ferran, 12, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

The project led by Raquel Colomet will offer us a concert in acoustic format that will value the intimacy of original music. Amb un estil que fusiona el pop i la música urbana. Colomet destaca per la seua veu càlida i propera.


With Woman's Voice: Colomet

OCCC Sant Ferran, 12, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Cultural Action of the Valencian Country (ACPV) launches the poster of the fourth cycle "With a woman's voice", un total de sis concerts destinats a destacar el talent de dones en la música. El cartell queda configurat amb sis noms de l'escena musical actual, que oferiran les seues actuacions entre setembre i desembre d’enguany. Aquest cicle, what ... Read more


Burkina-Veu film screening: “Borders, by Apolline Traoré”

OCCC Sant Ferran, 12, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Presentation and discussion with the participation of: —Angela God, members of CEAR (Spanish Refugee Aid Commission) the president of CESÀfrica (Coordinator of Entities of Solidarity with Africa). —Llanos Rodríguez, CIM Burkina Modera Maite Larena (CIM Burkina) La pel·lícula explora la vida de quatre dones de diferents regions d’Àfrica Occidental que s’embarquen en un viatge per ... Read more


Action Documentary +: Mexican dream

OCCC Sant Ferran, 12, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Action Documentary +, it's a CineClub, which has had the support of the Valencian Institute of Culture, i es desenvolupa amb la col·laboració d’ACPV i a través de projeccions premiades arreu del món i distribuïdes per DOCS Barcelona. Mensualment projectem, al saló d’actes d’Octubre CCC, i a diverses localitats arreu del País Valencià (Alicante, Elx, ... Read more


The October Podcaster: Of Common Sense

OCCC Sant Ferran, 12, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Live recording of a podcast with an audience by De Sentit Comú (The Scientific Region) De Sentit Comú és el pòdcast que es posa les ulleres científiques-socials per a analitzar allò que considerem ‘normal’ i ‘natural’ de la societat valenciana.



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