Guided architecture tour

The Slaughterhouse tickle, 4, Godella, Valencia, Spain

On the occasion of the exhibition on history, past uses and rehabilitation process of the Cabanyal-Canyamelar Slaughterhouse, a guided tour by the architect David Estal is offered, which will also include the architecture of this unique building for the neighborhood's collective memory. Limited places. Prior registration


Sewing the urban gaps of Cabanyal

The Slaughterhouse tickle, 4, Godella, Valencia, Spain

And if a network of social housing will be created to fill the urban gaps in the Cabanyal? Talk about the situation of access to housing in the neighborhood and housing cooperatives in transfer of use as a residential alternative. Eclekte will present the ViureK research project, in which the feasibility of sewing the urban voids of the ... Read more


Sewing the urban gaps of Cabanyal

The Slaughterhouse tickle, 4, Godella, Valencia, Spain

And if a network of social housing will be created to fill the urban gaps in the Cabanyal? Talk about the situation of access to housing in the neighborhood and housing cooperatives in transfer of use as a residential alternative. Eclekte will present the ViureK research project, in which the feasibility of sewing the urban voids of the ... Read more


Pau Alabajos sings Vicent Andrés Estellés

The Slaughterhouse tickle, 4, Godella, Valencia, Spain

Singer-songwriter Pau Alabajos has prepared a very special show for the year 2024, which commemorates the centenary of the birth of the poet Vicent Andrés Estellés: has recovered some of the most emblematic songs from his repertoire, inspired by the verses of the author of Els amants, You will assume the voice of a people, Broken Chorale or Isabel's Sonata, i ... Read more


Artistic recycling workshop

The Slaughterhouse tickle, 4, Godella, Valencia, Spain

In this workshop we will recycle a fruit box to turn it into a key ring. We will learn simple decoupage techniques on pressed cardboard and aging patinas. Obtindrem una peça inspirada en l'arquitectura típica del nostre barri. En ella representarem fons de rajola hidràulica com a marc per a la imatge d'un dels edificis més entranyables del ... Read more


open mic

The Slaughterhouse tickle, 4, Godella, Valencia, Spain

Would you like to go on stage at the Slaughterhouse and share a song with the audience?, a poem, a dramatic text, a story, a comedy or tragic monologue? Si l'escenari et crida aquest és el teu moment per a pujar-te a ell i provar el teu art. Només has d'escriure'ns a [email protected] o cridar-nos i explicar-nos el ... Read more


Scammers, you teach

The Slaughterhouse tickle, 4, Godella, Valencia, Spain

We inaugurate this participative space in which once a month a neighbor will share with the rest of the community a skill or teaching. If you are interested in participating, write to us. Què escoltes quan parles amb algú? A què pares atenció? Què succeïx en una conversa? En este taller començarem a explorar l'escolta, un art tan ... Read more


The voice of a people

The Slaughterhouse tickle, 4, Godella, Valencia, Spain

Community experience in which the participants will prepare an itinerant tour of the Cabanyal-Canyamelar neighborhood sharing the verses of the poet Vicent Andrés Estellés. Vine’t a organitzar l'acció que realitzarem pel nostre barri partint del Escorxador. Deixem que la poesia d'Estellés isca dels llibres i recórrega els carrers, els mercats i els forns. Prior registration.


Poetry open mic: Sparked

The Slaughterhouse tickle, 4, Godella, Valencia, Spain

Such a day as today, he 4 of September of 1924, the poet Vicent Andrés Estellés was born in Burjassot. Per a celebrar-ho vos convidem a vindre a l’Escorxador i a omplir l'espai amb el ressò dels seus versos. Participa en un micro obert de poesia amb els seus poemes. Per a reservar el teu espai escriu-nos ... Read more


What to read this summer?

The Slaughterhouse tickle, 4, Godella, Valencia, Spain

What to read this summer? Readings in company. Closing session of the Slaughterhouse until September. Peraaixòvosproposemunasessiódetrobadaenlaqual podeu portar propostes de lectures estivals per a recomanar i llegir en veu alta fragments de textos que ens han commogut o volem recomanar per alguna raó.


Cool cinema: The Last Tourist (Documentary film)

The Slaughterhouse tickle, 4, Godella, Valencia, Spain

The Last Tourist. Documentary film. 2021. Canada From the beaches of the Caribbean to the remote villages of Kenya, veus oblidades revelen les condicions reals i les conseqüències d'una de les indústries més grans del món: tourism.



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