It's so hard for me to forget you

The Rambleta Bulevard Sud, sang Pius IX, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Relive MECANO with the best tribute band in the world, on Tour of Spain for a limited time. “ME CUESTA TANTO OLVIDARTE HOMENAJE A MECANO” es el concierto homenaje al grupo más importante del pop español. Un show que ofrece al público una reproducción exacta de MECANO, convirtiéndose en todo un espectáculo musical. El objetivo de ... Read more


Trastornados por la luna Oh Valencia!

The Rambleta Bulevard Sud, sang Pius IX, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

The move was a social and cultural phenomenon that ran parallel to the political transition that took place in Spain between 1977 y 1984. That's why, although we mainly talk about what happened in the emerging cultural scene during those years in Madrid, el impacto de la llamada movida alcanzó a todo el ... Read more


Trastornados por la luna Oh Valencia!

The Rambleta Bulevard Sud, sang Pius IX, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

The move was a social and cultural phenomenon that ran parallel to the political transition that took place in Spain between 1977 y 1984. That's why, although we mainly talk about what happened in the emerging cultural scene during those years in Madrid, el impacto de la llamada movida alcanzó a todo el ... Read more


Guillem Gisbert

The Rambleta Bulevard Sud, sang Pius IX, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Després de quinze anys ininterromputs de pop irreprotxable amb MANEL, Guillem Gisbert arrenca projecte en solitari. El músic barceloní manté, with always, la cançó en el centre del punt de mira, per seguir fent allò que tant li agrada: explorar-ne els racons, palpar-ne els marges, des de l’ambició, l’elegància i l’eclecticisme.El nou treball del barceloní ... Read more

24€ – 28€

Trastornados por la luna Oh Valencia!

The Rambleta Bulevard Sud, sang Pius IX, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

The move was a social and cultural phenomenon that ran parallel to the political transition that took place in Spain between 1977 y 1984. That's why, although we mainly talk about what happened in the emerging cultural scene during those years in Madrid, el impacto de la llamada movida alcanzó a todo el ... Read more


Women had to be

The Rambleta Bulevard Sud, sang Pius IX, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

This event organized by Radio Valencia Cadena SER has the mission of highlighting stories of women whose significance is global., in different professional and social fields. Hablaremos con ellas sobre cómo precisamente ser mujer ha impactado en sus trayectorias profesionales. Los premios destacarán las siguientes categorías: CULTURA, GASTRONOMY, INVESTIGACIÓN, EMPRESA Y DEPORTE. Todas las premiadas han ... Read more


In clot key

The Rambleta Bulevard Sud, sang Pius IX, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Imagine brilliant music capable of opening the senses and inviting you to perceive, with its melody, the aroma that comes from the Mediterranean mountains, on predominen els tons verds i conserven un lleuger sabor de mar. Per a això, unes tendres notes et contaran una gran història que desitjaràs que no acabe mai. Així és ... Read more

11€ – 13€


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