“Gloria Fuertes, the poet of impossible loves”

The ship of Ribes philippines, s/n, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Saturday 21 At 7 p.m. we accompanied Gloria Fortún and Luisa Notario in the presentation of Gloria Fuertes, the poet of impossible loves at CC NAVE3 Rives (Parc Central). Una propuesta de Dissidents Vlc, Comité Antisida y CLGS Safor.


Intergenerationalism in Valencian theatrical authorship. Generation Z_Generation Boomer

The ship of Ribes philippines, s/n, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

A table of exchanges between authors of different trajectories and generations, which will be held on the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the Valencian Association of Theater Writers (AVEET) next tuesday 29 d'octubre a les 18:00h a la Nau Ribes (C. de les Filipines, S/N, dins del Parc Central). 18:00h recepció 18:20h inici de la Taula ... Read more


XII Valencirc: Klink. Marius Dince

The ship of Ribes philippines, s/n, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

For this twelfth edition we want to project a strong increase in terms of festival volume, both for the number of activities (more than 50 adding exhibitions and parallel activities), as for the diversity of spaces, actions and groups involved. On the one hand, we wanted to welcome the explosion of creation and production that the Valencian circus has been experiencing lately ... Read more

XIII Festival 10 Senses: Flores Teatro Danza

The ship of Ribes philippines, s/n, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Es un trabajo escénico que se ayuda del lenguaje en danza contemporánea en su búsqueda de dialogar con los más pequeños. Una apuesta a las relaciones vivas y tangibles, a los estímulos visuales que hacen volar la imaginación; una historia contada a medias con personajes no reconocibles que cada uno terminará de contar. Una invitación ... Read more



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