History and architecture of the former convent of Carmen de Valencia

Carmel Center Museum, 2, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

The CCCC presents this Thursday, 13 February, The reissue of the book ‘History and architecture of the former convent of Carmen de Valencia’ by historian Dolores García Hinarejos. The architectural set of the former convent, Turned today into an art center, rebasa los límites de la historia de la ciudad y puede ser utilizado como eje ... Read more


Event Series Edit it yourself

Edit it yourself

Carmel Center Museum, 2, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Of the 29 al 31 January is celebrated 'Edit it yourself', A three -day workshop in which participants will be able to create an experimental magazine. El taller es planteja com una activitat paral·lela a l’exposició ‘Pàgines en construcció’, que mostra més de 70 revistes rares i experimentals en la sala Contraforts del ... Read more

Event Series Edit it yourself

Edit it yourself

Carmel Center Museum, 2, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Of the 29 al 31 January is celebrated 'Edit it yourself', A three -day workshop in which participants will be able to create an experimental magazine. El taller es planteja com una activitat paral·lela a l’exposició ‘Pàgines en construcció’, que mostra més de 70 revistes rares i experimentals en la sala Contraforts del ... Read more

Event Series Edit it yourself

Edit it yourself

Carmel Center Museum, 2, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Of the 29 al 31 January is celebrated 'Edit it yourself', A three -day workshop in which participants will be able to create an experimental magazine. El taller es planteja com una activitat paral·lela a l’exposició ‘Pàgines en construcció’, que mostra més de 70 revistes rares i experimentals en la sala Contraforts del ... Read more


Impression Ravel

Carmel Center Museum, 2, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Filippo Mazzoli on the transverse and Denis Zardi on the piano joined in a veiled musical to commemorate the 150 aniversario del nacimiento de Maurice Ravel y el centenario del célebre «Groupe des Six». Este concierto transportará al público al espíritu bohemio de las années folles en Montparnasse, recreando los evocadores sonidos de las Gymnopédies de ... Read more


Keys to the cinema: Fernando Colomo

Carmel Center Museum, 2, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Universities and Employment, through the Consortium of Museums of the Valencian Community (CMCV), oferix una nova entrega de ‘Claus per al cinema’ amb el director i actor Fernando Colomo en el Centre del Carme de Cultura Contemporània (CCCC) from Valencia. the next 15 of January of 2025, to them 19:00 ... Read more


Encounters in El Carmen: Francis Montesinos

Carmel Center Museum, 2, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

La Conselleria de Cultura, Educació, Universities and Employment, through the Consortium of Museums of the Valencian Community (CMCV), presenta la primera entrega de ‘Trobades en el Carme’ de 2025 en el Centre del Carme de Cultura Contemporània (CCCC) de València amb un capítol dedicat a la movida de la dècada dels 80. after ... Read more


Polyrhythmias 2024: When the sun rises Linda Al Ahmad & Cardamom Trio

Carmel Center Museum, 2, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

The germ of this project arises from the common experience in some previous projects, la amistad y el anhelo de crear una propuesta musical que refleja tanto sus raíces musicales como su necesidad y pasión por explorar nuevos caminos. Los paisajes simbólicos que configuran las sonoridades de la música árabe y la música persa se ... Read more


Carmen told

Carmel Center Museum, 2, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Visit the Carmel Center with our storyteller! Guided tour in which girls, children and adults will discover the characters who live in the museum: characters, fantastic stories or beings that will accompany them as they learn about the CCCC. Dates: Saturday 6pm and Sunday 12pm. Inscripció ací.


Polyrhythmias 2024: Dhafer Youssef & Eivind Aarset

Carmel Center Museum, 2, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Dhafer Youssef is a creator in constant movement, master of singing and oud, one of the most popular Arabic instruments (similar to lute), who has been removed from his traditional role, mixing turkish music, asian with electro, jazz or rock. “Desde las primeras notas se hace evidente que Dhafer Youssef ha ... Read more


Carmen told

Carmel Center Museum, 2, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Visit the Carmel Center with our storyteller! Guided tour in which girls, children and adults will discover the characters who live in the museum: characters, fantastic stories or beings that will accompany them as they learn about the CCCC. Dates: Saturday 6pm and Sunday 12pm. Inscripció ací.


Polyrhythmias 2024: Gharbí – Andrés Belmonte

Carmel Center Museum, 2, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

'Gharbí' is Andrés Belmonte's second album dedicated to the fusion of Arabic music and Valencian music. Throughout his 8 themes, podremos escuchar las melodías de las “albaes” valencianas o del “U” (fandango), mezcladas con ritmos de Yemen, Irak, el Golfo Arábigo, música andalusí, música clásica otomana, y la llamada ... Read more



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