Nights at the Castle of Xàtiva 2024: Passion Vega

Castle of Xativa Climb to the Castle, s/n, active, Valencia, Spain

Here and now, in the pure voice of Pasión Vega, Federico resurrects. His words and the beauty of his poems, will be embodied in each performance by a racial actor. García Lorca lives beyond the voices of death and dark love; resucita en los sonidos negros que llevan de Manuel Torre a ... Read more


Nights at the Castle of Xàtiva 2024: Don't know + Queralt Lahoz

Castle of Xativa Climb to the Castle, s/n, active, Valencia, Spain

Marala són la catalana Selma Bruna, la mallorquina Clara Fiol i la valenciana Sandra Monfort. S'interessen per la tradició com a força d'innovació. His songs drink from the present and try to honor the past. Ens presenten un àlbum contundent i esperançador a partir d'una investigació sobre la mort en la música tradicional. To do it, ... Read more


Nights at the Castle of Xàtiva 2024: Chambao

Castle of Xativa Climb to the Castle, s/n, active, Valencia, Spain

The story that began more than 20 years, when Flamenco Chill revolutionized sound and our lives forever, it's back. There have been many songs, many discs, many concerts and many experiences that have brought La Mari to the current point. More of 20 años de experiencia que han forjado ... Read more


Nights at the Castle of Xàtiva 2024: Sole Gimenez

Castle of Xativa Climb to the Castle, s/n, active, Valencia, Spain

Sole Giménez singer, Author and composer has developed her professional career over more than 35 years both in Spain and in America. He was the vocalist of the musical group. Presuntos Implicados durante veintitrés años en los que grabo 11 discos. En su brillante etapa en solitario ha consolidado su estilo y personalidad en cada ... Read more



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