Christmas Photo Market

Railowsky Engraver Esteve, 34, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

This is a wide selection of photographic works with very varied prices, from established authors to lesser-known ones., with original work by classics such as Francesc Jarque, Gabriel Cualladó, Koldo Chamorro, Jorge Rueda, Ramón Masats, John Columbus , Javier Campano , Heungman , Luis Baylon , David Hornback y Bernard Plossu , entre muchos ... Read more


“A dwelling in the wind” by Carlos Villavieja Llorente

Railowsky Engraver Esteve, 34, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Like all novels of its length, A dwelling in the wind presents different levels of reading. First of all, It is a captivating adventure story set at the dawn of the Renaissance. Their characters, described with surprising psychological acuity, they move between disparate worlds. From distant Turkish schools of oil fighting, to mysterious alchemy workshops. From ... Read more


“A dwelling in the wind” by Carlos Villavieja Llorente

Railowsky Engraver Esteve, 34, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Like all novels of its length, A dwelling in the wind presents different levels of reading. First of all, It is a captivating adventure story set at the dawn of the Renaissance. Their characters, described with surprising psychological acuity, they move between disparate worlds. From distant Turkish schools of oil fighting, to mysterious alchemy workshops. From ... Read more


Red. Ines Island

Railowsky Engraver Esteve, 34, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

This project arises from the need to express grief, the absence, And the loss. It is also a story that talks about memory, of biological and social inheritance. Un pequeño escarceo a través de la construcción de la identidad. Al mismo tiempo es un proyecto para la terapia, se construye en base a ... Read more


18 of legal age

Railowsky Engraver Esteve, 34, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

In our modern society, es fácil olvidar la importancia de las personas mayores y el papel vital que han desempeñado en la construcción del mundo tal como lo conocemos hoy en día. Con su labor, dedicación y sabiduría, los mayores han moldeado nuestra cultura, nuestras tradiciones y han dejado una huella imborrable en nuestra historia. ... Read more



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