The il·luminAR-TE Festival, Festival of Theater of Light and Shadows of Sagunto fulfills 10 years and we can say with great joy that it is a consolidated festival and that it has become a cultural benchmark in our city, but also at national and international level, by creating a Festival just for shadow theatre, unique in our country and one of the few in Europe. With careful programming, always with innovative proposals, without leaving aside the most classic shadow theater, the il·luminAR-TE Festival, it's more than a festival, it is a place of culture and meeting place in the city, where the public has been able to see many shows from different companies, from very different places that have represented their shows and workshops with proposals that continue to search for all the creative possibilities offered by the language of “Light and Shadows”, and that make us grow as an audience and as a festival year after year, and the most important, discovering with the same surprise of the first edition that the theater of lights and shadows is a theatrical language that has no age, an artistic language that allows us to discover different artistic disciplines, talk about many things, and makes us reflect on times like the ones we live in. We can say that we have the most understanding public in shadow theater in our country, which has been educated year after year during these 10 years of the IlluminAR TE Festival.
It is inaugurated 17 of gener with the Asturian company The lizard's smile, who premiere their latest Malaika montage at illuminar TE. This year the Brazilian company Cia Lumiato is coming as a special guest, who will also do the school campaign, we have shadow theater of hands, works with live music, classical and contemporary Chinese shadow theatre. This year the work we have chosen for adult audiences is Hilos en el aire by Sinespacio Teatro, about the life of the poet Concha Méndez, of the generation of 97 I am a member of Las Sinsombrero. We also have a work that is performed for a single audience by the Valencian company Vudú Teatre. La Cia La Puntual is in charge of the closure of il·luminAR-TE 2025 with the show L'ombra de Pinocchio.
sunday 19 of gene 2025
Centre cultural Mario Monreal
Taller 10:00 h /Espectacle 12:00 h
Teatres de la Llum – shadows of china (Taller) (Comunitat Valenciana)
Taller espectacle per a públic familiar, basat en el tradicional teatre d’ombres xineses i la bellesa del corrent artístic de “Els poemes silenciosos” (Antiga poesia xinesa).
Recommended age: Taller familiar de 6 a 99 years
10:00 h Taller: Els participants s’introduiran en l’univers del teatre d’ombres i els poemes silenciosos, i després actuaran en la mostra.
12:00 h Espectacle: Obert al públic es mostrarà “Sombras de la China”.