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28 October 2024





X Committed Citizen Film Festival

The tenth edition of the Ciutadà Compromès Film Festival (FCCC) which is organized by ACICOM will be held again in Valencia between 21 October and November 11 with an ambitious program that includes 90 audiovisuals projected in 40 spaces. Thanks to ACICOM's commitment for a decade, the festival has established itself as a meeting place for filmmakers, activists and the general public, encouraging dialogue and networking. The programming of this tenth edition stands out for its wide range of topics, with productions that compete in categories such as citizenship, human rights and culture of peace, climate emergency, equality and diversity, historical memory, democratic values ​​and good governance. Each category will have a prize awarded by a luxury jury made up of nine professionals from the cinematographic sector, with recognized trajectories.

<this year, the FCCC is deployed throughout the Valencian Community, with screenings in cities such as Valencia, Alicante, Villena, alcohol, Tinting, wave, Albal, Llíria, Aras de los Olmos, Dawn, Port of Sagunto, The Uixó Valley, Castelló de la Plana and other localities. Spaces like the Center for Contemporary Culture OCTUBRE, MuVIM, Like the Revolt, Espai Sankofa, the Municipal Theater of Aras of the Elms, The Botanical Garden of Valencia, The Conservatory of Valencia, or the Language Center of the University of Valencia will host sessions that will not leave anyone indifferent. Besides, the festival will have the presence of filmmakers, activists and experts who will participate in the audiovisual presentations and discussions after the screenings, thus encouraging dialogue between creators and the public.

The opening of the festival will be 21 from October to 18:00 hours with the screening of "The grandmother and the stranger", an emotional film by Alicante director Sergi Miralles that can be seen in October at the Center for Contemporary Culture. The short film "Carles Miralles, a life of cinema" in order to pay a meaningful tribute to Carles Miralles, who was absent this summer and was a member of ACICOM and president of AVAPI. The closing of the festival will be held at MUVIM, on November 11, with the awards ceremony. The ceremony promises to be a great event to celebrate the contribution of cinema to the construction of a fairer and more equal society.



Various spaces

Valencia, Valencia Spain


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