The Open House Valencia festival -OHV- constitutes a privileged event in the city with its most precious architecture. Many buildings open their doors, exhibiting its functional uniqueness, typological and formal. The capital of Turia thus joins other large metropolises such as New York, Milan, Athens, Lisboa,…inviting all members of the international community to explore the collective space, entering the architectural universe to enjoy the richness of its history and cultural diversity. Open House Valencia is a multidisciplinary project open to everyone that was born with the aim of helping to live and enjoy architecture., the landscape and urban art of the city promoting new ways of contemplating and inhabiting it. This is a solidarity initiative, non-profit and transversal, based on social cohesion and the participation of the greatest number of urban actors: students, youths, professionals, technicians, artists, musicians, merchants… During a weekend infrastructures, places, Gardens and buildings can be toured and explained by the architects and designers who conceived them., transformed, restored and made possible.
27 October 2024