Eight years have passed since The Last Round. Eight years since La Gossa Sorda stopped making songs and concerts. Josep Nadal, singing, composer and lyricist of the group, he has been away from the music circuit all this time as a member of the Valencian Courts. After the political stage he returns home loaded with songs and with Pep De La Tona's project under his arm. Nadal is accompanied by Héctor Peropadre (Aspencat, Xavi Sarria…) of the singer and singer Cate Giorgi. For the recording of the subjects, he has lifelong friends from the Pego area: musicians from La Gossa Sorda, Smoking Souls, Aspencat, Zoo, Malifeta, Ciudad Jara i Ferreteria Rosario. The recording and production is carried out by Mark Dasosusa at Atòmic Studio in Ondara.
Josep Nadal (voice), Cate Giorgi (keyboards and voice), Maki Tomás (battery), Andrew Ferré (down), Enrique Moll (guitar), Clara Ventura (saxo), Riki Ferrer (trombone), Hector Peropadre (sweet girl, lute and accordion).