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24 October 2024


20:00 until the 21:30



Times of Hamor. Marisa Armero

The exhibition that is presented before our eyes is much more than a simple sample of paintings; It's an emotional journey, a deep exploration of Love in its purest and most universal form. In these works, the red thread, like an invisible conductor, guides us through time and space, connecting characters, emotions and experiences in a sublime dance of colors and shapes.

The artist, whose work has always been a relentless search for expression and meaning, introduces us to a world where love, yes «Love with H», is the undisputed protagonist. This "Love" transcends the limitations imposed by society, It is a love that is not governed by age, gender, race or condition. It is a powerful force that unites all human beings., and that the artist has masterfully captured in each of her creations..

From the first glance, It is clear that his women occupy a central place in this pictorial universe. They are portrayed with a complexity that reflects their spiritual richness and inner strength.. Free and powerful, These women challenge social conventions and rise to the top of the pedestal, but at the same time they show a fragility that makes them human and close.. They are beings of light and shadow, of strength and vulnerability, captured on canvases that convey a sense of admiration and respect for femininity in all its forms.

Every brushstroke, each color, Every detail in these paintings invites us to immerse ourselves in a world of emotions and sensations.. It is a journey that takes us to explore our own connection with love, that universal force that unites us all. through art, The artist challenges us to look beyond the superficial to find beauty and meaning in the simplest and most everyday experiences..

In summary, This exhibition is a testament to the artist's ability to capture the essence of Love in all its forms and expressions.. It is a reminder that art has the power to transform, to inspire and connect humans on a deeper level. In an increasingly divided world, These paintings remind us of the importance of finding and celebrating what unites us.: The Love.

Marisa Armero

Exhibition opening 24 October at 20:00h

Duration of exposure 24 from October to 6 of November.

FREE entry.

Check visiting hours for the exhibition by WhatsApp at 670115918


The House of Patraix

c/ Convent of Jesus, 11
Valencia, 46018 Spain


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