Each show is unique and special with Xavi Romero, David Fajardo and Ezequiel Navarro. Stop by the Carolina Theater and enjoy SUBIT!, an improvisation show where you propose the script of the stories. With a renewed image and with several impro shows behind it, the company that is now called SUBIT!, just like your new show, Will not leave you indifferent. An improvisation show where the actors will cook hilarious and unrepeatable theatrical scenes with the ingredients proposed by the audience, naturally and without any tools other than your imagination. The recipe: a paper where you write what you want, a bucket where papers are deposited, an innocent hand, a proposal, some actors and… a lot of improvisation, 3…2…1…SUBIT! You give them the foot…and they put the lyrics, the technician, the music and each other, the fun…
22 September 2024
until the
SUBIT! Un show de humor improvisado
- Buy tickets
- https://www.teatrocarolina.com/subit/
Carolina Theater
asked, 10
Valencia, Valencia 46021 Spain
Valencia, Valencia 46021 Spain