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28 April 2024





Serialparc: Rufus T. Firefly

Serialparc returns with three new events to fill the parks of Valencia with live music this spring. Alice Wonder, Rufus T. Firefly, Joe Twilight, Josu Miro, Valancea y Dj Coco They make up a poster in which contrasting voices coexist with new names from the pop-rock scene at the state and local level.. As usual, The three concerts will be on Sundays in daylight. This new edition recovers emblematic scenarios for the history of Serialparc, like the parks Dr. Lluch in Cabanyal, the one of Chain mail and that of orioles. Sewing the city through totally sustainable meetings held in urban lungs continues to be the vocation of a project strengthened by the recognition of Valencia as European Green Capital. This way, Agència Districte designs a new musical circuit that has visited more than a dozen green spaces in the city. El Águila Beer and SAV (Farmers of La Vega), renew their commitment to these meetings that invite you to tour the city, structuring its neighborhoods and to enjoy performances in a festive context.

As usual, Each event will have two performances. Alice Wonder and Josu Miró will inaugurate spring by bringing to the fore two voices that return deep lyrics and a fresh sound to their generation. They will fill Parc Dr with music. Lluch del Cabanyal on Sunday 3 of March, starting at 11:30. The next day will be 28 April in the Parc de Malilla. Over there, Rufus T. Firefly will display their sophisticated and eloquent rock that makes the general public vibrate. They will be preceded by the duo Valancea, who will offer their urban proposal with which they are emerging in the local scene of Valencia. Serialparc will say goodbye with a party starring two big names on the state festival scene such as Joe Crepúsculo and DJ Coco. Both will turn the park's green carpet into a real dance floor. The appointment with both will be 19 of May in Orriols Park.

Tickets for each day can be purchased now at a price of 14,90 € on the Enterticket platform. It can also be accessed through the website Serialparc. Admission is free for children under 16 years.


Malilla Park

Malilla Park
Valencia, Valencia Spain


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