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15 July 2024





Movie Nights 2024: A Bigger Splash

Movie Nights of the UV open the doors 9 of July in the Cloister of the La Nau Cultural Center of the University of Valencia. The summer film cycle organized by the University's Cinema Department will take place over nine days, to them 22 h, with free admission screenings aimed at the general public. This year a series of feature films about summer will be shown at the cinema, with the title Sea, Sex & Sun, will offer several stories set in the summer season. Films from different periods, genres and countries will parade through La Nau in the original subtitled version.

The director of the University Culture Service, Adela Cortijo, details this year's schedule, which will be inaugurated with Jaws (shark), Steven Spielberg's film that will revolutionize 1975 commercial cinema. this tape, connected to Hitchcock's suspense with an almost non-existent shark, suggested by the famous haunting theme music created by John Williams, it will serve to open mouths and immerse viewers in the pleasure of enjoying it on the big screen. The next day, as the manager explains, can be seen Sundown (2021), of the Mexicà Michel Franco, amb Tim Roth i Charlotte Gainsbourg. A film in which the protagonist, a luck of Meursault lost in Acapulco, he decides to isolate himself socially in the sun, the sea and the arena.

Thursday, 11 of July will be projected summer tale (Summer tale, 1996) by Eric Rohmer, emblematic filmmaker of the New wave, it is part of the tetralogy or the cycle of the seasons - points out Adela Cortijo. Summer is one of this director's favorite periods -Claire's knee (1970), Pauline at the beach (1983)– so that his characters can get wrapped up in endless conversations about love and life, in these periods of leisure. Friday 12 will continue the cycle with Summer 85 (Summer of the 85, 2020), is the work of François Ozon, heir to Rohmer, which recreates with nostalgia the adolescent desire in the summers of the years 80. with The long, hot summer (The long and warm summer, 1958), Martin Ritt's free adaptation of Faulkner's stories, which can be seen on Saturday 13, we will change our aesthetic towards black and white - the director continues to explain - "and we will be inspired by the perspiration of Paul Newman, emulating Brando's in A tram called desire». Sunday 14, with the movie Do the Right Thing (Do what you must, 1989) de Spike Lee, we will feel the tension rise, violence, racism and temperature in a fringe Brooklyn neighborhood. He 15 of July, A Bigger Splash (2015), de Lucca Guadagnino, ends the summer cycle with a remake or cosmetic review, thematically intelligent and up-to-date, of The swimming pool (1969), by Jacques Deray, - concludes the manager. Movie Nights of the UV will close with brightness the 17 of July, with Dr. Caligari's cabinet (1920), referent of German expressionism that has exerted an enormous influence on numerous filmmakers, like Tim Burton or Martin Scorsese. The exhibition of this classic in the history of cinema, the Robert Vienna, will be accompanied by live original music, composed i performed by Tránsito Sonoro, electronic music and clarinet duo formed by Bartolomé Llorens and Alberto Trabajos.

The projections of Movie Nights which will host the Cloister of La Nau del 9 al 17 of July will start at 10pm., with free entry and limited capacity. There will be introductory sessions by critics and university professors, to locate the contextual and analytical keys of each feature film.


The Boat

University, 2
Valencia, Valencia 46002 Spain


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