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28 September 2024


19:30 until the 21:30


What you don't see. Ailin González

«The free flow of my healing energy, expressed through my horses, always free, They are the images of my inner world, of the silence that is not seen. This own art space has provided me throughout my life, stability, my own comfort, help and strength. Accept my own story, crossed by my hearing disability, It is my path and daily treatment that I exercise every day, finding in equine art and nature, a great potential for self-healing forces. throughout my life, I have developed a great and immense special preference for horses. Contact with them, since the 6 years old, immersed in its natural habitat, They have been the moments in which I was enveloped in complete harmony, in fullness with my body, at peace with my present.

I work every day with my greatest disability, What is the fear of being rejected?, to disappoint, pester, or disappoint for not listening well. Thus, This exhibition is my first step in sharing my hearing loss and still, understand that everything is fine. For it, it is important to break social invisibility, and at all levels of deaf people who speak and use both hearing aids and hearing aids to communicate with the external world.

The passion for equine art is a journey that never ends, and on this path of passion for the discovery of art and all its splendor, I included getting to know each other, listen to us, observe each other, each other. It is said that access to humanity consists of the look we give to each other, each other. That is why I invite you to look at me through my horses, even though my disability is not seen, even though you see me talk, laugh, smart.

WHAT YOU DON'T SEE is about my art in raising awareness for the right to hear and be heard, trying to break social invisibility.

Regarding the exhibition, The techniques used are various, as there are several channels of my communication, and among them we find, chinese ink, the nib, Conté pencils, y pastels make-up. Acrylic and watercolor, as well as impressions of my old audiometries from when I was 5 years old, and photographs taken through an iPhone. I can only use iPhone because Apple reached an agreement with the brand of the headphones I use, sino, I would continue with my beloved Nokia 2760.”

WHAT YOU DON'T SEE Ailin González.

Saturday opening 28 September at 19:30h

Of the 28 from September to 13 October 2024.

Free Entry.

You can check visiting hours for the exhibition by sending a WhatsApp to 670115918.

#lacasadepatraix #ailingonzalez #loquenoves #exhibition #patraixmolon #patraixalternativo #sensibilizationaseroigo #sensibilizacionaoir #horses #acrylicoyaquarela #audiometry #photography


The House of Patraix

c/ Convent of Jesus, 11
Valencia, 46018 Spain


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