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26 October 2024




20€ – 32€

The Assembly Members (Those who stumble)

This co-production of the Mérida Festival and El Terrat, about the classic text “The assembly members”, by Aristophanes, arrives at the Olympia Theater to become one of the essential shows of the Valencian theater season. Our protagonists have been there for years and years, ages, tripping over the same stones over and over again, the same mistakes. Some errors caused mostly by laws created by men.

The goddess Nemesis, tired of contemplating this injustice, decides to cast a spell on women so that they unite and become aware. Led by Praxagora, Together they must steal the men's clothes and sneak into the assembly to change the established laws for more just and egalitarian ones.. But they will only have the time of one night to cross the great forest that leads to the hill where the assembly is held at dawn.. And the darkness of the road is full of dangers and mirrors in which they will see their own lives reflected.. Facing them and their fears, They will have to decide which laws are the ones that will really make everything finally change., once and for all and forever. These assembly members will make us reflect with laughter about our role in society, forcing us to get involved and take sides whether we want to or not.

Dramaturgy and direction: Jose Troncoso
Interpreters: Sílvia Abril, Gabriela Flores, Rocio Marin, Maribel Salas, Maite Sandoval and Pepa Zaragoza.


Teatro Olympia

Saint Vincent Martyr, 44
Valencia, Valencia 46002 Spain


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