The cycle dedicated to the Japanese teacher ends in February with the second pass of El otoño of the Kahahayagawa family and two non -fiction films around Ozu. I have lived but… is a conventional documentary that provides relevant information about your life and your work method, supported by testimonies of actors and collaborators of his films. Tokio-Ga is a suggestive film essay in which Wim Wenders seeks the imprints of his admired Ozu in contemporary Japan. It will be preceded by a brief assembly of Ozu films fragments entitled Train and Coches. Accomiadem the Ozu hindsight, But the spirit of the teacher is very present in Aki Kaurismäki movies, to whom we dedicate an integral cycle from the day 11 of February. This way, The educational and reflective character of all film programming is highlighted, that consists of putting in to dialogue films and filmmakers, revealing the echoes and tendencies of cinema history, much less linear and progressive than we have told us. From this conception of cinema history as a system of connections and filiations, The hieratic characters who inhabit the frames of a contemporary Finnish director are heirs of those who have excited us in each movie of the very Japanese Ozu. And the centrality of the body and the feminine experience that characterizes the work of Nadia El Fani already entertained in some of the films directed by Ida Lupino.
07.02.25 FRIDAY / 20.00 h
09.02.25 SUNDAY / 18.00 h
Trains and cars
Trains and Cars
HIROSHI KOKUBU. 1928-1962. B/N i color. 10′. DCP.
Short film compiling trains and automobile scenes taken from Ozu movies.
WIM WENDERS. Germany, USA. 1985. VOS SPANISH. Color. 89′. DCP.
Int. Chishu Ryu, Yuharu Atsuta, Werner Herzog.
Wim Wenders travels to Japan to approach the creative universe and the life landscape of Yasujiro Ozu. While reflecting what inspired Ozu, X -ray a country in continuous metamorphosis from tradition to modernity.