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20 November 2024




1.5€ – 2.5€

Integral Yasujiro Ozu: You should love your mother

The journey through the filmography of the Japanese master continues with titles from his first stage, when he was able to film four or five in the same year (some of them as interesting as I have been born, but… i A hostel in Tokyo, two of his best silent films). with Where are the dreams of youth? returns to the student comedy he had explored in Salad days i I have suspended butA woman outside the law, on your part, is the last Western-influenced gangster film he directed. It combines the atmosphere of Walk with optimism and the conflict d’A woman from Tokyo. Story of a wandering grass it will be screened in a double program preceded by the short documentary The lion dance, with whom she shares being set in the world of theatre. From the first, Ozu would make a remake in 1959. It is one of his films with more exteriors, unusual thing in his cinema, perhaps because of his desire to control even the smallest detail of the framing. The economic hardships experienced by the protagonists are very present in this period, very marked by the consequences of the crisis of the years 30. Ozu also began to frequent in these years what would become for him - an eternal bachelor who always lived with his mother - in his favorite subject: the not always easy relationships between parents and children.

08.10.2024 – 08.02.2025
20.11.24 WEDNESDAY / 18.00 h Live music by pianist Arcadi Valiente.
22.11.24 FRIDAY / 20.15 h
You should love your mother
Haha wo kowazuya
YASUJIRO OZU. The Japan. 1934. Mute sound signs cast. B/N. 70′. DCP.
Int. Iwata Yukichi, Mitsuko Yoshikawa, The Ohikata, Seiichi Kato, Hideo Mitsui, Shusei Nomura.
Years after he was left fatherless, Sado finds out what it is, actually, son of the first wife the father had, which makes him the most uprooted character in the whole family due to the fact that he has lost both his parents and the position that had been assigned to him in the domestic order.


The Film Library

Pl. town hall, 17
Valencia, Valencia 46002 Spain


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