The Delegation of the Higher Council of Scientific Research (CSIC) organizes the conference cycle Brain vs Artificial Intelligence. This series is aimed at a general public and is held in two headquarters: in the House of Science of the CSIC in Valencia (Bailia Street 1, in the Plaza de la Virgen) and in the San Fernando Building Alicante (San Fernando Street 40) thanks to the collaboration of the University of Alicante (UA).
Artificial Intelligence (IA) has become one of the most transformative forces of the contemporary era. From automating everyday tasks to creating deep learning systems that surpass human capabilities in various areas, AI is redefining how we live, we work and interact. In this context, It is crucial to know the technical bases and development possibilities of AI in the context of Natural Intelligence (IN), both on a personal and professional level, since its impact permeates all aspects of modern life.
24 October (VALENCIA). Digital twins and artificial intelligence in Biomedicine. Alfonso Valencia (BSC).
31 October (ALICANTE). The future of intelligence: Natural brain and/or artificial brain? Salvador Martínez (Neuroscience Institute, CSIC-UMH).
14 of November (ALICANTE). Towards a Socially Sustainable Artificial Intelligence. Nuria Oliver (ELLIS Alicante).
21 of November (ALICANTE). IA is discriminative vs. generative, present and future in medicine. Aurelia Bustos (With Bravo).
28 of November (VALENCIA). Forms of natural and artificial intelligence. Liset M. of the Prida (Cajal Institute, CSIC).
19 December (VALENCIA). The evolution of the human brain. Does sapiens make sense?? Camilo José Cela Conde (UIB).
All Conferences are held on Thursdays at 19 hours, with free entry at both venues.
You can also follow them live on our channel YouTube.