Since its installation in Sant Miquel dels Reis, The Valencian Library Nicolau Primitiu has paid special attention to carrying out activities aimed at promoting reading. Workshops, recitals, dramatized readings, Meetings with specific authors and publications on reading teaching count in our institution in this eagerness. Probably, The most important of these initiatives is the Writers Cycle in the Valencian Library that aims to bring reading closer to all types of audiences, especially to the youngest. A cycle through which more than more than 60.000 people and in which collaboration with the educational world is paramount. In this sense, The encounters are the culmination of a work that begins in the classrooms with the study of the work of a writer and culminating in a pleasant and interactive talk between the author and his (We) readers.
Between February and May 2025, of 10 a 13.15 hours. The encounter immediately begins to the 12 hours.
The meetings are preceded by an optional guided tour of the monastery of Sant Miquel dels Reis.
Recipients: Concerted groups by reservation (According to program) of:
-ESO and training cycles.
-High school.
-Adult schools.
-Cultural associations.
-Reading clubs.