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28 February 2025

dialogues 2025

Of the 26 al 28 February 2025, The Higher School of Design of Valencia will celebrate the 22nd edition of Diálogos. Design meetings at veluters, Under the title “Designs to come. Future prospects ". This annual event has been consolidated as a reference space in which the upper Escola of Disseny de València encourages the exchange of ideas about design culture and its changing sociocultural context. for three days, Dialogues 2025 It will offer conferences, interdisciplinary exhibitions and activities that explore design as a social transformation engine.

Reflecting on positive futures

We live a time when future visions projected by the media usually dye pessimism, Reflecting environmental threats, technological and social that seem insurmountable. This dystopian approach especially influences youth, generating a feeling of uncertainty and fear of what is to come. However, At the Higher School of Design of Valencia we think that imagining positive futures and proposing new utopias is essential to make transformative change possible.. If we do not think optimistically about the future, we run the risk of our aspirations being limited to the present, losing sight of opportunities for innovation and collective improvement.

The design of futures or prospective design It is presented as a key discipline to address contemporary challenges, where interactions between humanity, Technology and the environment require approaches that go beyond immediacy, promoting systemic thinking. This methodology, that combines prospective, creativity and exploration of possible scenarios, does not seek to predict the future, but to promote strategic changes that promote a safer world and just from an ethical perspective that takes into account collective well -being.

An inspiring program

Dialogues 2025 He will bring together outstanding professionals from various disciplines to discuss and reflect on the challenges and opportunities for the design of futures:

  • Ruben Pater, activist, Graphic designer and author of the influential books The Politics of Design y Caps Lock.
  • Luján Cambariere, journalist, Commissioner and writer, known for his work The soul of objects.
  • Carmen Madorrán, philosopher, Member of the Research Group in Ecological Humanities and author of Needs in the face of the ecosocial crisis.
  • Francisco Martorell, philosopher and writer, author of Against dystopia y Dream differently.
  • Juan Bordera Roman, screenwriter, journalist, activist in the fight against climate change, author of The autumn of civilization.

Besides, We will have the professional experiences of:

  • Fernando Galdón, researcher and designer who explores the use of design, the art, sociology , science and technology as means to reconfigure production processes and systems.
  • HOLON, cooperative agency specialized in designing products, services, Policies and futures for ecosocial transitions.
  • H Architects, architecture studio known for its innovative approach to the climate emergency.
  • Maroussia Rebecq, activist upcycling who leads sustainable initiatives.
  • Barthebooth, publishing and research platform on critical spatial practices, artistic practices and thought.
  • Ambra Cultural Projects, audiovisual production company that explores the intersection between culture and sustainability.

Tribute and closing

The event will pay tribute to Toni Miserachs, who will open the exhibition “Pioneers”, a journey through the contributions of key women in the history of design. As a featured closing, The days will culminate with the fashion show Miscellaneous Catwalk, a sample of creativity and innovation in fashion design. It is important to highlight that, for the communication of Dialogues, We always trust in the talent of professionals trained at the Higher School of Design. In this edition, We have had the collaboration of Cuca Berenguer, Renowned graphic designer and illustrator, who has provided an optimistic vision, fresh and social to give visual identity to the days.



Domingo Painter, 20
Valencia, Valencia 46001 Spain