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22 April 2024





Estelles Cycle: Les veus de Vicent Andrés Estellés: naufragi i meravelles

The University of Valencia, on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Vicent Andrés Estellés, organizes an international cycle of conferences to claim the international dimension of the poet of Burjassot, one of the main innovators of contemporary Valencian poetry. The cycle is part of the activities of the European School of Thought Lluís Vives of the University of Valencia.

The cycle about this poet, who was named an 'honoris causa' doctor by the University of Valencia on 1993, will start on Monday 22 of April with Enric Bou, of the Ca' Foscari University of Venice, with the conference 'The voices of Vicent Andrés Estellés: shipwreck and wonders'. Later, he 13 of May, Maria Ángeles Francés, from the University of Alicante, will give the lecture 'Dialogical resonances in the Hotel París'.

He 3 In June, the talk 'North beyond' will be held! The northern dimension of Vicent Andrés Estellés', by Dominic Keown, de la Fitzwilliam College Cambridge. After the break for the summer period and exam season, the cycle will resume with the new course, in concrete, he 15 of October, amb Veronica Orazi, of the University of Turin, who will give the conference 'The international projection of Estellés: the poet in the classroom'.

Next Celia Nadal Pascual, of the University for Foreigners of Siena, will present 'Fascism as a collective trauma: V. Andrés Estellés and the European tradition' on the day 18 of November. Finally the cycle will be closed on 10 of December with the conference 'The posterity of V. Andrés Estellés in the European context', by Simona Skrabec, from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.


The Boat

University, 2
Valencia, Valencia 46002 Spain


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