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29 November 2024





29 Contemporary Visual Culture Colloquiums

The Mainel Foundation opens its doors to the public interested in contemporary visual culture and its social impact. Its 29th Contemporary Visual Culture Colloquia will be held on days 15, 21, 22 y 29 of November. Always at 7 p.m., at its headquarters (plaza Porta de la Mar, 6, 8ª). At the Colloquiums “we bring together highly prestigious professionals, to reflect and analyze specific and hot topics through dialogue”, explains Jorge Sebastian, president of the Mainel Foundation, highlighting that “this conversation is also open to the public present, who is invited to participate”.

Four specific aspects linked to contemporary visual culture will be addressed in independent meetings. Admission is free, but prior registration is appreciated ([email protected]) for logistical reasons.

15/11 19h.“From mapping to light art and immersive experiences”
Conversation between Manuel Conde, director of Radiante Light Art Studio, and Paco Gramaje, founder and creative director of Girasomnis.

21/11 19h.“Looking for intimacy: portraits and subjects
Dialogue between Lupe de la Vallina, photographer specialized in editorial portraits, and Catalina Martín Lloris, Professor of Art and Aesthetics at the Catholic University of Valencia.

22/11 19h. “New molds in artistic entrepreneurship”
With the experiences of María Gracia de Pedro, founder of Artepreneur; Elisa Montesinos, director of Vangar Gallery, and Daniel Silva, director of New Gallery, moderated by Nuria Lloret Romero, professor at the Polytechnic University of Valencia.

29/11 19h.“On the outskirts of the image”
Colloquium between Miguel Ángel Hernández, writer and professor of Art History at the University of Murcia, and Luis Vives-Ferrándiz, Professor of Art History at the University of Valencia.


Mainel Foundation

Porta de la Mar Square, 6
Valencia, 46004


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