* Free shows. Advance reservation. Capacity reduced to 25 spectators.
Three short pieces premiered at Russafa Escénica. Autumn Festival in the THIRTEEN edition of 2023, beneficiaries of the Via Escènica residences and mobility program, promoted between the Festival and the different municipalities that participate. Two of the pieces have been selected by a group of spectators from Foios.
1. m. Obra irrealitzable
2. m. Acte de renúncia dut a terme per amor
Direction: Álvaro de la Merced
interpretation: Gloria Román
Il·luminació: Héctor I. Moril
Espai escènic: Restaurante Hassan
Recoltzament sonor: Havni
Vestuari: Turistas de Terciopelo
Coach interpretació: Marta Chiner
Producció administrativa: Jaume Nieto